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Sky View Las Vegas

Last updated on June 8th, 2024 at 04:40 am

Drone Purchase Guide

Getting Your First Drone

Drones have become increasingly popular in recent years, captivating hobbyists, photographers, and technology enthusiasts alike. These unmanned aerial vehicles offer exciting opportunities for aerial exploration and photography. If you’re considering getting your first drone, there are several factors to consider and steps to take before making a purchase. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of choosing the right drone for your needs and provide essential tips for flying, capturing great footage, and staying safe.

Understanding Drones

What is a drone?

Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are remotely piloted aircraft that can fly autonomously or be controlled by a human operator. They come in various sizes, from small toy-like models to professional-grade drones equipped with advanced features and high-resolution cameras.

Different types of drones

There are several categories of drones, each designed for specific purposes:

  1. Toy drones: These small, inexpensive drones are ideal for beginners and children. They usually lack advanced features but provide a fun introduction to flying.
  2. Camera drones: These drones are equipped with built-in cameras or have the option to mount a camera. They are popular among aerial photographers and videographers.
  3. FPV racing drones: Designed for high-speed racing, these drones prioritize agility and speed over photography capabilities.
  4. Professional drones: These drones offer advanced features such as obstacle avoidance, longer flight times, and high-quality cameras. They are used for commercial purposes like aerial mapping, inspection, and filmmaking.

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Drone

Before purchasing a drone, it’s crucial to consider the following factors:

Purpose and usage

Determine how you plan to use your drone. Are you interested in aerial photography, racing, or simply flying for fun? Understanding your purpose will help you narrow down the features and specifications you require.


Set a budget for your drone purchase. Drones range in price from affordable entry-level models to high-end professional drones. Consider additional expenses such as spare batteries, accessories, and maintenance costs.

Skill level

Assess your skill level as a drone pilot. If you’re a beginner, it’s advisable to start with a user-friendly drone that offers stability and easy maneuverability. Experienced pilots may opt for more advanced models.

Camera capabilities

If you’re interested in aerial photography or videography, consider the camera capabilities of the drone. Look for features like high-resolution cameras, adjustable gimbals for stabilized footage, and the ability to shoot in RAW format.

Flight time and range

The flight time and range of a drone are important factors to consider. Longer flight times allow for more extended aerial exploration, while a greater range allows you to fly your drone over larger distances.

Safety features

Ensure the drone you choose has essential safety features such as GPS stabilization, return-to-home function, and obstacle avoidance sensors. These features help prevent accidents and protect your investment.

Researching and Comparing Drones

When researching and comparing drones, consider the following resources:

Online resources and reviews

Visit websites that specialize in drone reviews and comparisons. These resources provide in-depth analysis and user feedback, helping you make an informed decision.

Manufacturer websites

Visit the official websites of drone manufacturers. They provide detailed specifications, and product descriptions, and often include sample footage captured with their drones.

User forums and communities

Join online communities and forums dedicated to drones. These platforms allow you to ask questions, share experiences, and gain insights from fellow drone enthusiasts.

Spec comparisons

Compare the specifications of different drone models to identify the ones that best suit your requirements. Pay attention to factors like flight time, camera capabilities, and stability features.

Choosing the Right Drone for Beginners

As a beginner, it’s crucial to choose a drone that offers ease of use and a gentle learning curve. Consider the following factors when selecting your first drone:

Entry-level models

Opt for entry-level drones designed for beginners. These drones often have simplified controls, stability features, and intuitive flight modes to help you get started quickly.

Ready-to-fly (RTF) vs. do-it-yourself (DIY) kits

RTF drones come fully assembled and ready to fly out of the box, making them ideal for beginners. DIY kits require assembly and may be more suitable for those interested in learning about the technical aspects of drones.

Built-in flight assistance features

Look for drones with built-in flight assistance features such as altitude hold, headless mode, and auto takeoff/landing. These features make flying easier and more intuitive, especially for beginners.

Controller options

Consider the type of controller that comes with the drone. Some drones use dedicated controllers, while others can be flown using smartphones or tablets. Choose the option that feels most comfortable to you.

Drone Laws and Regulations

Before taking to the skies, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the drone laws and regulations in your country or region. Here are some key considerations:

Understanding local regulations

Research the laws and regulations specific

Understanding local regulations

Research the laws and regulations specific to your country or region regarding drone usage. Familiarize yourself with guidelines related to airspace restrictions, flight altitudes, and any required permits or licenses.

Registering your drone

In some countries, it is mandatory to register your drone before flying it. Check with the relevant authorities to understand the registration process and any associated fees.

Restricted airspace and no-fly zones

Be aware of restricted airspace and designated no-fly zones in your area. These can include airports, military installations, and national parks. Avoid flying your drone in these areas to ensure safety and compliance with regulations.

Safety guidelines and best practices

Adhere to safety guidelines and best practices when operating your drone. This includes maintaining a visual line of sight with your drone, flying during daylight hours, and avoiding crowded areas or gatherings.

Learning to Fly Your Drone

Learning to fly a drone is an exciting experience. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth learning process:

Basic controls and maneuvers

Start by understanding the basic controls of your drone, including throttle, yaw, pitch, and roll. Practice basic maneuvers such as takeoff, landing, hovering, and simple forward and backward movements.

Practicing in open spaces

When starting out, choose open spaces such as parks or fields for practice flights. Avoid flying in crowded areas or near obstacles to minimize the risk of accidents.

Mastering flight modes

Explore the different flight modes available on your drone, such as GPS mode, altitude hold, or follow-me mode. Familiarize yourself with their functions and practice using them in controlled environments.

Safety precautions and troubleshooting

Always prioritize safety when flying your drone. Be aware of weather conditions and avoid flying in strong winds or adverse weather. Additionally, familiarize yourself with troubleshooting techniques for common issues like loss of signal or battery warnings.

Essential Accessories for Drone Owners

As a drone owner, there are several accessories that can enhance your flying experience and protect your investment:

Spare batteries and chargers

Invest in additional batteries and a charger to extend your flight time. This ensures you can make the most of your drone without interruptions.

Carrying cases and backpacks

Purchase a carrying case or backpack specifically designed for drones. These protect your drone during transportation and make it convenient to carry all your accessories.

Propeller guards and landing gear

Propeller guards and landing gear provide added protection to your drone during takeoff and landing. They help prevent damage to the propellers and other sensitive components.

Memory cards and storage

Invest in high-quality memory cards with ample storage capacity to store your aerial photographs and videos. Consider backing up your files to external storage devices or cloud services.

ND filters and lens accessories

For aerial photography and videography, consider using ND filters to control exposure and reduce glare. Lens hoods and lens cleaning kits can also enhance image quality and protect your camera lens.

Drone Photography and Videography Tips

To capture stunning aerial photographs and videos, keep the following tips in mind:

Framing and composition

Pay attention to composition when framing your shots. Use the rule of thirds, leading lines, and interesting perspectives to create visually appealing images.

Understanding camera settings

Familiarize yourself with the camera settings on your drone. Adjust parameters such as exposure, white balance, and image format to achieve the desired results.

Capturing smooth footage

Use slow and smooth movements when recording videos to avoid shaky footage. Experiment with different flight speeds and gimbal settings to achieve cinematic results.

Post-processing and editing

Once you’ve captured your aerial footage, consider post-processing techniques to enhance the final output. Use editing software to adjust colors, contrast, and apply effects if desired. Drone

Maintenance and Upkeep of Your Drone

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your drone in optimal condition. Follow these guidelines:

Cleaning and inspection

Regularly clean your drone, especially the propellers and camera lens, to remove dust and debris. Inspect the drone for any signs of wear or damage before each flight.

Firmware updates

Keep your drone’s firmware updated with the latest releases from the manufacturer. Firmware updates often include bug fixes, improved features, and enhanced performance.

Propeller maintenance and replacement

Check the condition of your drone’s propellers regularly. Replace any damaged or worn-out propellers to ensure safe and stable flight.

Battery care and storage

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for battery care and storage. Properly charge and discharge the batteries, and store them in a cool, dry place away from flammable materials.

Ensuring Drone Safety and Etiquette

To ensure a positive experience for yourself and others, follow these safety and etiquette guidelines:

Privacy concerns and respecting others’ space

Be mindful of people’s privacy when flying your drone. Avoid capturing footage of private property or individuals without their consent. Respect people’s personal space and avoid flying your drone too close to others.

Flying responsibly and within limits

Adhere to local regulations and flight restrictions. Maintain a safe distance from people, vehicles, and wildlife. Be mindful of noise pollution and avoid flying in residential areas during quiet hours.

Insurance and liability coverage

Consider obtaining liability insurance to protect yourself against potential accidents or damage caused by your drone. Check with insurance providers for specialized policies catering to drone owners.

Joining Drone Enthusiast Communities

To connect with like-minded individuals and expand your knowledge, consider joining drone enthusiast communities:

Local drone clubs and meetups

Research local drone clubs or meetup groups in your area. Participating in these communities allows you to learn from experienced pilots, share experiences, and take part in group flights or events.

Online forums and social media groups

Join online forums and social media groups dedicated to drones. These platforms offer a wealth of information, troubleshooting assistance, and the opportunity to connect with a global community of drone enthusiasts.

Participating in drone events and competitions

Look for drone events or competitions in your area. Participating in such events can be a great way to showcase your skills, learn from others, and immerse yourself in the world of drone technology.


Can I fly a drone without any prior experience?

Yes, you can fly a drone without prior experience. However, it is advisable to start with a beginner-friendly drone and take the time to learn the basics of flight control and safety guidelines.

How much does a good beginner drone cost?

The cost of a good beginner drone can vary. Entry-level models can range from $100 to $500, depending on the features and specifications. Consider your budget and desired capabilities when making a purchase.

Do I need a license to fly a drone?

In many countries, a license or certification is not required for recreational drone flying. However, commercial use may require licensing or certification depending on local regulations. Check with the relevant authorities in your region.

Are there any restrictions on flying drones in public parks?

Restrictions on flying drones in public parks can vary depending on the park and local regulations. Some parks may have designated areas or specific rules for drone flying. Always research and adhere to the guidelines of the park you plan to fly in.


Getting your first drone opens up a world of exciting possibilities, from capturing breathtaking aerial photographs to exploring new perspectives. By understanding the different types of drones, considering important factors before buying, and following safety guidelines, you can embark on an enjoyable and rewarding drone flying experience. Remember to continuously improve your skills, keep up with regulations, and share your passion with the vibrant drone community

Additional Tips

1. Do your research extensively before buying your first drone, and you should follow the fundamental of the drone purchase guide, Consult with someone you know who flies drones already and get their advice. If there is a local store located in your area that sells drones, go there, and chat them up on the important features you might require. Are you flying for fun or looking to start a business?

2. For your first drone, don’t buy one that’s too cheap. It will be a waste of money. Commit yourself to spending at least several hundred dollars at least. That way you can skip the trials and tribulations of buying and crashing cheap drones. I have been there and done that. Starting with a better drone will give you more confidence in your flying ability right from the start.

3. When you get the drone make sure to review the owner’s manual, it’s fundamental to the drone purchase guide. It won’t make much sense at first but read it through. You might have to read through the manual a few times till it sinks in. These new drones have tons of features.

4. Find a large flat open space devoid of nearby trees or power lines and away from people for your first time flying. Flying in urban areas

5. Learn to lift off and then fly experimental routes not too far off the ground and learn to return to base and do a controlled landing. Do not fly too far off to a point where you can’t see the drone and learn its change of direction from your joystick controls.

6. When you are flying, and you are unsure of your direction or position, always take your hands off the joysticks and let the drone pause and hover, and then slowly start moving it again so you know its orientation or position. Practice engaging the return to the home button, to see how the drone returns home.

7. Do not fly over water, over crowds of people, or too close to trees or other fixed objects. It’s very easy to end up misjudging distances and end up crashing the drone. Fly at night

8. The drone receives its commands through a Wi-Fi channel link to your controller. If you make the mistake of flying in an area where there is a lot of RF interference in the area, like dense urban areas or in an area of hilly topography, you may lose your line-of-sight communication. In that event, your drone may suddenly cease to respond to your joystick commands and just continue to fly onward, eventually getting totally lost or crashing in some inaccessible area or worse, doing some damage to something or somebody.

9. Be careful and cautious and practice a lot and learn before you let your enthusiasm overwhelm you in your desire to get great aerial images and video. Practice Practice Practice.

10. And one last thing: Do not fly close to wildlife. Drones can disturb them and may, in fact, be illegal. Good luck!  Fly Safe and have a good Safety Plan.

11. Recommended brands.



Autel Drones-


Drone Laws in Nevada

2 Responses

  1. It makes sense that you should look at the owner’s manual. My brother told me a couple of weeks ago about how he wants to look into getting a drone for his photography website, and he wants to make sure that he knows how to use one properly. I’ll have to let him know these tips once he gets a drone!

  2. My boyfriend wants to purchase a drone for his dad as a gift for Christmas this year. I appreciate your suggestion to consult other drone owners you know for their advice. I think my boyfriend should read the reviews about potential drones online as well as ask his friends for advice.

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