Sky View Las Vegas

Sky View Las Vegas

Last updated on January 31st, 2023 at 08:59 am

Real Estate Drone Photography Service Cost

Real Estate Drone Photography Service Costs & Considerations: Unlike other businesses that are still exploring the world of drone aerial photography, the real estate industry adopted this technology from its infancy. The ability of drone photography to capture high-quality images from the bird’s view and in multi-angles has made this a natural and popular choice for many realtors. Drone Tips

The stunning imagery and videos have commercialized real estate drone photography, but there is some aspect of this niche that is still a little unclear for many customers; drone photography service is one of them. Drone Services in Las Vegas 

Continue reading this article to learn about how much real estate drone photography costs and the factors that need to be considered before choosing a service provider.

Factors to Consider Before Hiring a Drone Photographer

Abide by the Law

Make sure that the real estate drone photographer is FAA certified, as it is your responsibility to stay on the right side of the law. Ensure that whoever you choose is properly certified, trained, and insured to fly in commercial space or over private property that is covered by privacy laws.


Determine Focal Points

Before the drone pilot takes over the sky, make sure that you both have agreed on the focal points of the property that need to be filmed or captured. Getting the wrong shots might probably be useless to your project. Thus, ensure you discuss and determine critical points and your expectations with the drone operator. 


Be a Considerate Neighbor  

As a realtor, you must understand the significance of establishing and maintaining good relationships with your clients and other members of the community. Therefore, it is wise and thoughtful to inform the neighbors of the land you’re going to film beforehand and answer all their concerns in advance to avoid any problems during the drone flight process.


Cost of Real Estate Drone Photography. Several factors influence the cost of real estate drone photography. Some of these considerations are: 

Listing Type: 

Each project is unique, and hence it is difficult for drone photographers to quote a standard rate for their services. Custom quotes are subjected to the size of the property as well as any special request that the realtor might have. For example, if the listing is for a luxurious property, the price charged may be considerably higher. 



Locations like urban centers attract higher prices than other places, simply due to the higher market rates. Meanwhile, in some places, real estate drone photography might be quite affordable due to a lot of competition. 


The Number of Images & Videos:

Many aerial photographers charge a fixed rate per image or video. On the other hand, some charge per hour or even a per-minute fee. 

Generally, people assume that real estate shots are taken in natural lighting during the day, but some realtors ask for early morning, night, or dusk shots. Due to the extra skills and logistics requirements, aerial photographers might charge a higher fee.  Set-up cost, expertise, and other add-on services are a few more factors that contribute to determining a custom quote. But broadly speaking, the real estate aerial photography rates are as follows:


  • $150 to $300 for ten or fewer still images without editing
  • $300 to $1,000 for a one to five-minute drone video
  • $500 to $1,000 for edited images or videos.


These are just general figures and are subject to the above-mentioned focal points. Therefore, book an appointment with your drone operator and discuss all possible aspects beforehand to avoid any problems in the future.


Wrap Up!

Are you looking to hire an expert, compliant, and licensed aerial photography professional for your next real estate project? At Sky View Las Vegas, we endeavor to provide the best drone media solutions to your needs. Click here now to request a custom quote and make your project reach new heights with our impeccable real estate drone photography services. But if you like to know more about real estate photography, you can check out a great resource on real estate photography tips.


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