Sky View Las Vegas

Sky View Las Vegas

Last updated on July 2nd, 2024 at 07:35 am

Drone Real Estate Photography

Photography is used in several fields to capture realistic pictures of the given material. However, in real estate, several experiments have been made to capture the best shots from various angles of the given property. Many real estate agents strive to capture the most captivating shots of the listing properties. It is difficult to capture the property at some angles that a photographer cannot reach during such times.

However, it is an essential duty for a real estate agent to capture the property from all angles. Some angles, like the top shot, are challenging to click manually. At such times, many people have started using artificial intelligence and using machines and equipment to get their work done. For instance, many real estate agents have started using drones and thereby have started using the drone photography concept to provide their best shots to their clients while introducing them to a particular property.

In many cases, it is not just the top shot or aerial view that is difficult for a human photographer to capture. Sometimes, it is also difficult to accurately bring out the attractive features of the house through everyday photography. For instance, if a house is located at a sea location, its proximity to the beach must be shown to the client through the pictures. At such times and others, drones are of great help.

Many real estate agents have started using drones for aerial photography, which helps their listings stand out. But before using drones to capture the best shots of a property, real estate agents try to understand its advantages and disadvantages. They also try to figure out the uses of the drones and the techniques used while operating them. It is also essential to figure out various drone models, their prices, structure, maintenance, maintenance prices, etc.

Before Getting a Drone

A real estate agent needs to know basic drone information before getting one. Operating a drone for photography is not that difficult; however, a real estate agent needs to know how to fly a drone before getting a license from the Federal Aviation Administration.

Many real estate agents are confused about whether to drive a drone or hire a drone pilot. They can either learn how to operate the drone and take pictures of the properties themselves or hire and outsource a drone pilot to capture the shots of the properties.

Drone Real Estate Photography

Some creative real estate agents who decide to learn how to fly a drone themselves should keep in mind that it is a journey and an experience that will improve their careers. To do so, they must seek a license from the Federal Aviation Administration and get a “Remote Pilot Certificate.”

After doing so, they can legally fly the drone. If they are using drones for any source of income, they must obtain a drone pilot license as they are using the drone for commercial purposes. They must also get a fair UAS rating and the Remote Pilot Certificate.


The test that must be given to get a Remote Pilot Certificate is similar to the one people took before their driver’s license test. It is passing an in-person written exam. The test contains 60 multiple-choice questions. However, it may change depending on the format. Once the person has passed the test, they must legally register the drone they will use for commercial purposes. However, it is comparatively faster than the written exam.

After the person has passed the test, they must understand and follow the ground rules of using the drone for commercial purposes. Real estate agents must follow the rules and regulations; they can face charges or punishments if they violate them. For instance, they cannot fly the drone from a moving vehicle, they can keep the drone in the visual sightline, they need to get approval from LAANC if they fly the drone in controlled airspaces but they can fly the drone in controlled air spaces.

Once the real estate drone photography agent has completed the legal procedures required for drone photography, they must choose their drone after collecting some information about various drone models.

Some drones have a camera attached, and some cost less than a digital standard camera. A real estate agent can use the drone to take wide shots of a property or side shots of a property’s proximity to other natural resources like beaches, lakes, rivers, etc. They can also highlight the properties’ run-up against their neighbors or other main roads.

drone pilot

Hiring a Drone Pilot

Many real estate agents also opt to hire a drone pilot. There are advantages and disadvantages to doing so. One significant advantage is that a real estate agent doesn’t have to go through the hassle of getting licensed. They have to know the FAA rules and regulations regarding flying drones.

That also includes knowing the places where the drone can be flown legally. A real estate agent can look for services connecting various businesses requiring drone pilots. If a real estate agent decides to hire a drone pilot themselves, they must strictly verify the pilot’s license.

Advantages of Drone in Real Estate Photography

There are several advantages of drone photography in real estate. Drone photography helps real estate agents meet the trends in the real estate world. Higher scenic value is offered and shown off by real estate agents to their clients. It is considered one of the best ways to show the entire land and surrounding area, be close to various amenities, etc.

It is a pretty unique perspective on presenting a property to a client. It also sometimes helps to sell the properties quicker and for a better price.

For a free custom quote and consultation, contact us at 702- 670- 1967 or send us an email at sk*******@gm***.com

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